Monday, May 9, 2016

The Seminar Cult

I was in a seminar room with a lot of people. At one point I noticed I was naked, and although it didn't seem to be out of place there, I decided to cover up with a nearby robe, since they just thanked President Obama for being there and he was lingering and socializing on the side of the large hall. I took my seat and they presented a short movie which was supposed to be the latest Harry Potter film, in which all the wizards leave their own reality and join ours, and they do this by operating a submarine through a river which was supposed to be space, past a whirl pool that was supposed to be the big bang and the beginning of time and down the path that our local universe had evolved, in order to live a "normal," non-magical life.

At the back of the room I ran into a councellor that I recalled being flirtatious with me as I got more cake. She was still flirting with me, but she seemed very high on drugs. I was a little concerned for her that her employers would take exception to her being inebriated on the job. She didn't seem to get the film in which space was represented by water with an obvious shore-line and surface. I said, "Who's to say that space doesn't have a shore-line somewhere?" That gave her pause to think. I finished my cake.

I woke up in a hospital bed and my girlfriend was there sitting on a couch. There was a doctor there, who at first I thought was there to help me. He connected a harness to my head, like a set of headphones, but the nodes went over my left ear and left eye. He said something about sending an electrical impulse to a certain location in my brain and causing damage there. I thought he must be joking. The device counted down and built up intensity until I felt a painful charge go through me. He then took it off and placed it over the other eye/ear. He began speaking like a mad scientist, saying something about how experimenting on me was going to do something great for humanity. It was so trite, I still couldn't take him seriously, but the pain in my head indicated otherwise and the fact that he wouldn't release me and continued holding me against my will.

With great effort, I broke free of my restraints and attacked him, putting him in a headlock and snapping his neck. I then told my girlfriend to grab as much of my stuff as she could. Apparently, much of my belongings and books had been brought to my hospital room to make my stay more comfortable. I wasn't about to leave all my things here.

As we left the room, I encountered another employee, who was about to enter a nearby room, carrying a medical bag full of utensils. I still didn't know what to make of this place or the people in it. Upon seeing me, he immediately attacked me, swinging his bag and hitting me in the head. I was actually grateful for the action because it relieved my conscience of what was to follow, as it reaffirmed the danger I was in. I seized hold of the man and wrestled him into the room I had just come out of and began banging his head on the floor until he was dead. I then placed him on my bed and we left.

Trying to make sense of it, it seemed to me that the people running the seminar were some kind of cult and had abducted me by drugging the cake. They know my weakness.